Botox® and Jeuveau®

Everyday stress and overuse force fine lines into deeper ones over time, but Botox and Jeuveau relieve this process and offer your skin a respite. A quick and safe procedure, both products ease frown lines, crow’s feet, furrows in the brow, lip lines and other wrinkles by relaxing key muscle fibers for months at a time, leaving you with a younger and more relaxed appearance. Botox and Jeuveau injections can also be used to stop excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) in the underarms, scalp, hands and feet.

What Are Botox and Jeuveau? 

Improve frown lines, crow’s feet, forehead wrinkles and more with Botox or Jeuveau. These injectables work by relaxing the facial muscles so they don’t contract as intensely, resulting in a younger, fresher appearance. These treatments are a simple, safe, and effective way to improve facial expression lines (frown lines between the eyebrows, crow’s feet at the outside corner of the eyes, forehead wrinkles and more). After treatment, the overlying skin remains smooth and unwrinkled, while the untreated facial muscles contract as they normally do. Botox and Jeuveau treatments are also preventative against lines and wrinkles becoming deeper over time.


Woman receiving a Botox injection

What Are Botox and Jeuveau Treatments Like?

A very small amount of the product is precisely injected into several locations in the face using a micro (small) needle. No sedative or local anesthetic (we often use topical numbing cream) is required and you can resume normal activities immediately. When injected in small amounts, Botox and Jeuveau relax those muscles that cause you to frown. The injections themselves take about 10 minutes, and the effect usually lasts 3-5 months.

What Results Can I Expect?

Our aim is to give you natural results – to keep you looking like yourself, but with the clock turned back. The effects of Botox and Jeuveau typically show up within 7-14 days.* A single treatment can relax muscles for as long as 3-5 months.* The treatment “quiets” the upper third of the face and can make you look much more youthful.

Are There Any Side Effects?

Side effects of Botox and Jeuveau used for skin care purposes are rare and generally localized. Some patients may experience a slight, temporary bruising at the injection site, which can be easily concealed with makeup. Risks and side effects depend on the person who is administering the injections; Dr. Wechsler and Laura Dyer, PA-C are extremely skilled master injectors, which minimizes the risks and side effects of your treatment. 

Before and After Photos

Before and after Botox results
Before and after Botox results
Before and after Botox results
Before and after Botox results

*Individual results may vary; not a guarantee.

Botox and Jeuveau in NYC

We treat a full range of skin conditions and address your overall well-being; this includes mitigating fine lines and wrinkles and refreshing your look with Botox and Jeuveau, which often helps patients feel better about themselves. To schedule a consultation, contact us at 212-396-2500 or via email at

* Individual results may vary; not a guarantee.


We're happy to answer any questions you may have, feel free to call us at
(804) 775-4559